Welcome to Liberty Elementary School!
We serve third through fifth grade students and families. Our number one goal is student achievement. We believe that all students can be successful.
Nestled between Liberty Middle School and the old Liberty High School's football stadium, we are easily recognized by our large electronic marquee.
Through a caring and inviting atmosphere, it is our goal to provide a positive learning environment. Students have the opportunity to take part in numerous school activities and programs. A visit to our classrooms reveals active best practices and learning strategies that enhance our overall curriculum.
Quick Facts
450 Students Enrolled in Grades 3rd, 4th, and 5th
Built in 1956. Renovated most recently in 2011.
74% Free/Reduced
43 Certified Teachers
18 Classified Staff Employees
1 Assistant Principal
1 School Counselor
1 Speech Teacher
1 Reading Interventionist Teacher
102,000 Square Foot Building
14,855 Library Materials
Students transition from:
Liberty Primary School (Pre-K -2nd)
Students transition to:
Liberty Middle School (Grades 6 - 8)
Liberty High School (Grades 9 - 12)